Thursday, May 20, 2010


Groups of well meant useless tools who think that they run my life and know better when they are nothings who are worth nothing instead - TODAY I STARTED THE ARGUMENT - after all why not initiate this - as everyone normally has a rollicking amount of BS TO TALK AND STARTS ON ME INSTEAD - THE lies flow from everyones mouth like streams of sewage and this is just the beginning of what can and does happen and this leads to more and more lies and more and more violence all - baseless lies and bs mind you - BUT THERE YOU GO - my family are a family of losers and liars and MY MOTHER WHO HAS PASSED AWAY NEEDS TO BE left in peace for once instead of having incessant and urgent visits to the cemetery BY JOHNNY OZBOLT WHO instigated all the lies about me WITH LILA AND MICKEY - this does not say much for these rather over the top stupid dumbassed liars because they do not mean anything to me at all - the less you care the less you want anyone as useless as this anywhere near you or what you own, because - MY FAMILY THEY just steal from me and have done so my whole life in any case so to expect any decency from them is to rather - jump of a bridge instead - YOU WILL MAKE JUMPING OFF A BRIDGE - but not caring about them the reject and stupid ass toads of society - MY MOTHERS FAMILY ALL liars all stupid useless and all ripped me off -

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