SO now the thing is what is this about - this sounds like the newspapers as well as the news, and that police are like other people does not come into it, if an officer commits a crime he can or she can be charged with that...SO WHY DO PEOPLE CARRY ON ABOUT THIS CONTINUALLY...THE TRIAL has brought a lot of things to the surface and one of them is how people feel about corruption....the ex thinks that if you support police officers - then you support crime, I think the opposite - having been on the receiving end of policing both good and bad........
NOT ENOUGH IS being discussed about who and why officers do end up in corruption and crime,
because there are needs that are not being met in a lot of ways and people need money to live...
THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE IT IS A FACT OF SOUTH AFRICAN LIFE.........................................
EVERYONE OPENS the paper and in there are the facts of POLICE OFFICERS IN JAIL AND POLICE OFFICERS doing things that they should not do as well.....but there are millions of other people engaged in crime as well at the same time, so is corruption in the police services a figment of peoples imagination a symptom of not having enough of anything....READING AN ARTICLE ABOUT THE AMT OF POLICE OFFICERS that do no behave themselves and this is how this is put....WHY ARE ALL POLICE OFFICERS BEING TARRED WITH THE SAME BRUSH.....THERE ARE CORRUPT officers and there are officers that are HEROES AND DO THEIR JOBS WELL AND do not get involved in any crime = is enough being done about giving to them and their families...IS THERE DISCUSSION IN POINT ABOUT ANY OF THIS ISSUE RELATING TO HOW POLICE ARE AND DO FEEL ABOUT THE WAY THAT THE Public reject them.......does rejection lead to that person not doing his job well and not having good feelings about the public as a whole....SOUTH AFRICA'S POLICE ARE GOOD - THEY are not all perfect though as we read in the press.......BUT, DO WE GIVE THEM ENOUGH credit for the work that they do all over the place....BECAUSE IF WE DO NOT THEN THE PUBLIC IN SOUTH AFRICA SPECIFICALLY AS WELL AS ELSEWHERE ARE WRONG........................
LETS GIVE THOSE POLICE OFFICERS THE CREDIT that is due to them and stop talking just about what they have done wrong.....THE PEOPLE WHO ARE IN THE WRONG GET picked up and charged just like everyone else............SO WHY BLAME THE INNOCENT
AND GOOD OFFICERS FOR THE ONES THAT ARE later found guilty of corruption or misconduct.....just a thought about what is going on all over the place....................................
MY SON has run off to someplace again - maybe to visit someone behind my back with a stupid excuse of a family who are a group of liars like himself and JOHNNY OZBOLT........
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